Our Services
- Sales and marketing support
- Virtual product sales demonstration platform
- Website, newsletter & LinkedIn publishing platforms
- Database driven cross-media marketing campaigns
- Writing services
- Technology assessments, installations, upgrades, replacements
- CA Spool
- Infoprint Server
- Production print hardware and software
- Mailing hardware and software
- CCM/ECM systems: XMPie, Exstream, Quadient, OpenText…
- Workflow and automation
- Production print support
- Advanced Function Presentation (AFP)
- Overlay creation and updates
- Font conversions and tuning
- Digitized graphics, signatures, logos
- Barcode security solutions
- QR
- Datamatrix
- PDF417
- Secure number font
- Environmental, circular economy
- Assessments
- Setup
- Training
- Mergers and acquisition support
- Executive mentoring